Dec 21, 2021 | Cats, Dogs, Pet Health, Rabbits, Seasonal, Small Furries
One of the most exciting things for us over the festive period is all the different things happening. We see people we don’t get to see often, socialise more, eat food we only ever have at this time of the year, and even decorate our houses with things that...
Dec 9, 2021 | Cats, Dogs, Pet Health
Taking care of the older pet – annual blood tests and the importance of knowing what’s ‘normal’ for them As our cats and dogs get older, they begin to experience the same health changes and challenges as ageing humans. What’s considered senior? Old age starts...
Oct 12, 2021 | Behaviour & Training, Cats, Dogs, Notices, Pet Health, Rabbits, Seasonal, Small Furries
Pets and Fireworks – Why Noise Annoys, and How Fears Can Turn Into Life-Limiting Phobias Around 60% of our furry friends become agitated and afraid whilst fireworks are going off, so aside from being unpleasant for both them and your family, it’s little surprise that...
Aug 27, 2021 | Cats, Dogs, Pet Health, Rabbits, Vaccination
Diseases that you pet can be vaccinated against can have devastating effects. For most of the viruses that affect pets today there is still no treatment other than treating symptoms, so prevention is the only route to prevent suffering and – potentially – death....