Jan 27, 2021 | Cats, Dogs, Notices, Rabbits, Small Furries
This guidance applies to people travelling to and from Great Britain (Scotland, England and Wales) with their pet cats, ferrets or dogs, including assistance dogs. This guidance is only for travel of less than 5 pets and for non-commercial reasons. You need to follow...
Oct 23, 2020 | Cats, Dogs, Notices, Pet Insurance, Premier Pet Club
You may be surprised to hear that you are more likely to claim on your pet insurance than your car or household policies. In fact, in our experience, if you don’t need to claim on your pet insurance you really are very lucky indeed! Here at Parkside, we recommend...
Jul 12, 2019 | Behaviour & Training, Cats, Neutering
From around the age of 4 months, kittens reach sexual maturity and are therefore capable of breeding and producing kittens themselves.Most people do not have the time or desire to breed from their cat and do not wish to add to the number of unwanted kittens already...
May 9, 2019 | Cats, Dogs, Parasites
Pet parasites like ticks are affecting dogs and cats in many parts of the world. They climb onto plants, especially in areas of long grass, pasture or mixed forest and wait for a suitable animal to walk past, allowing them to cling onto the coat. Areas with high...
Apr 11, 2019 | Cats, Dental, Dogs
Why pet dental care is important Dental disease is the most common health problem diagnosed in cats and dogs. However, it can be easy to miss due to the “suffer in silence” approach which tends to be adopted by our pets. These problems are frequently painful but with...
Apr 10, 2019 | Cats, Dogs, Parasites
What are Fleas? Fleas are the most common parasite found on dogs and cats, and most pets are likely to come into contact with them at some point in their life. Fleas have very strong legs which enable them to jump between individuals, allowing infections to be spread...