Acupuncture is the stimulation of specific points on the body which have the ability to alter various biochemical and physiological conditions in order to achieve a healing effect. It is not a cure-all, but it works well where indicated and can be used either alone or in conjunction with traditional veterinary medicine.
At Parkside, we provide acupuncture services by fully trained veterinary acupuncturists.
Could acupuncture help your pet?
For advice on how acupuncture may help your pet, please call 01382 810777 where you will be directed to Claire Mitchelson or Catherine Davidson, our vets who specialise in animal acupuncture.
Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive technique for viewing the internal structure of the joints. An arthroscope (camera) inserted through a small incision in the joint magnifies images on a TV monitor allowing examination with minimal post-operative discomfort. Additional small incisions are made to facilitate the use of surgical instruments allowing treatment of bone or cartilage defects which may otherwise require more extensive surgery.
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CT scans are a safe and effective method of obtaining high quality images of the body and are a valuable diagnostic tool in the investigation of a wide range of disease processes.
If a CT scan has been recommended for your pet, you can be safe in the knowledge that the procedure is completely harmless and there are no side effects.
What is involved?
After arrival at the surgery, your pet will receive a full clinical examination, as well as any necessary blood tests prior to the scan. As it is very important that your pet remains still for the duration of the scan, which is typically between 30-60 minutes, a sedative or general anaesthetic will be required.
Once this has taken effect, your pet will be positioned on the scanning table by a highly experienced radiographer, who will then carry out the necessary scans.
In most cases, your pet will be ready to go home after a few hours, provided no further treatment or investigations are required on the same day.
For further information please visit the Burgess Diagnostics website
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Dental X-ray
Dental disease is the most common health problem diagnosed in cats and dogs. However, it can be easy to miss due to the “suffer in silence” approach which tends to be adopted by our pets. These problems are frequently painful but with appropriate dental care your pet can be readily made better again.
At Parkside, we have invested in high quality dental x-ray equipment which allows us to quickly identify any problems of the crown or root, which may otherwise be hidden below the gum line.
An electrocardiograph (ECG) measures the electrical activity of the heart and is commonly used in conjunction with other tests when investigating cardiac conditions. Electrocardiography is a pain free process and in most cases sedative medication is not required.
In-House Laboratory
At Parkside, we have invested in state of the art equipment from IDEXX laboratories, allowing an extensive range of tests to be carried out on-site. This ensures reliable results are obtained in the shortest period of time possible.
In the past, it would have been necessary to send many samples to external labs for processing. However, with our modern equipment, we are able to process biochemistry and haematology panels, measure electrolytes and blood gasses in addition to evaluating coagulation times and monitoring patients on treatment for thyroid conditions, diabetes, epilepsy and more.
Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive technique for viewing the internal structures of the abdomen. A laparoscope (camera) inserted through a small incision in the body wall magnifies images on a TV monitor allowing for a more thorough examination. Additional small incisions are made to facilitate the use of surgical instruments. The most common application of laparoscopy is
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Practice Standards
At Parkside, we have chosen to enrol in the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Practice Standards Scheme. This is a voluntary initiative which promotes a high standard of veterinary care in the UK, assessed through regular, rigorous inspections. As Parkside have achieved RCVS accreditation, you can rest assured that the you and your pet will receive the highest standard of veterinary care.
Our high quality digital x-ray equipment is an important tool in the investigation of conditions affecting the skeleton or internal organs.
The x-ray machine sends a beam of x-rays through the body onto a photographic plate which, when developed, provides a picture of the inside of the animal.
Having an x-ray taken is a pain free process, however it is very important to remain still during the procedure. In most cases it is necessary to use a sedation or general anaesthetic to limit any movement, which may otherwise interfere with the quality of the image.
Our High Definition ultrasound scanning equipment is a vital tool in the diagnosis and treatment of many conditions. Our machines are equipped with multiple probes for a variety of applications as well as a doppler facility for visualising blood flow within the heart and organs.
At Parkside, many of our vets have undertaken additional training in ultrasonography, to allow us to investigate problems with heart function or explore the abdomen for abnormalities. Ultrasound is a pain free process, however it may be necessary to use a light sedation in some cases to limit any movement, which may otherwise interfere with the quality of the image.
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Video Endoscopy
Video endoscopy is a useful tool to examine areas that would otherwise only be reached through surgery. With our high definition equipment, it is possible to investigate and treat conditions of the lungs, throat, stomach or colon. With a variety of instruments at our disposal, endoscopy can be used to take images of suspect areas, retrieve foreign bodies or obtain biopsy samples.
As animals are unlikely to remain still during endoscopy, a general anaesthetic is required to allow us to perform the procedure in a safe and pain free manner.