Parkside Veterinary Group Environmental Policy

Parkside Veterinary Group provides a mixed general practice veterinary service in Dundee and Angus and comprises 3 Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) accredited sites. At Parkside Veterinary Group we take pride in offering a compassionate, dedicated and high quality service to our clients. We acknowledge that our day to day operations have an impact on the environment and have identified the key aspects that contribute to our environmental and carbon footprint:

  • Consumption of electricity, gas and water
  • Use of volatile anaesthetic gases contributing to greenhouse gas emissions
  • Waste production and disposal
  • Paper usage
  • Transport of personnel and animals
  • Medicines usage and disposal
  • Procurement of goods and services contributing to emissions and pollution

Parkside Veterinary Group is committed to enhancing our environmental performance through a journey of continual improvement by working through the Investors in the Environment (iiE) accreditation scheme. Our environmental commitment can be demonstrated in our established objectives and goals below:

  • Compliance with all applicable environmental regulations and societal expectations
  • Accessing online resources and forums, and attending CPD focussed on sustainability
  • Monitoring our key resource usage and implement conservation techniques to achieve our environmental targets
  • Implementing a waste management policy with a focus on reducing, re-using and recycling
  • Engaging with colleagues and clients to encourage climate action and sustainable animal care
  • Minimising unsustainable transport use
  • Practising responsible medicines usage and disposal
  • Taking part in sustainability projects with the practice team
  • Working with suppliers to ensure they acknowledge and decrease the environmental impact of their products and transportation

Parkside Veterinary Group is part of the VetPartners family. VetPartners are passionate about encouraging sustainable veterinary care and reducing our impact on the environment. VetPartners goals can be found in their Sustainability Strategy and include using renewable energy, diverting waste from landfill, undertaking charitable fundraising and ensuring a kind and inclusive workplace culture.

Parkside Veterinary Group will continue to improve our environmental management system through annual reviews and updates, taking into account any changes in legislation, our organisation, and other factors. We will convey this policy to all our colleagues ensuring that they are provided with training to increase awareness of environmental matters.

Louise Marshall CertAVN RVN is our Green Champion and has designated responsibility for the day-to-day implementation of this policy. Please contact  if you have any queries.

Parkside Veterinary Group will make this policy available when requested to interested parties and members of the public.